ARA’s Annual CHAP (Cultural Heritage Archaeology and Planning) Symposium


A Heritage Impact Assessment is undertaken to determine the potential impacts of a proposed development or site alteration on a heritage resource and recommended mitigation and conservation measures.

Heritage Impact Assessments can be required:

  • for any inventoried, listed, or designated properties in a municipality;
  • for any property adjacent to any inventoried, listed or designated properties in a municipality;
  • for any property determined by city staff to have potential cultural heritage value;
  • for any areas or property types prescribed in a municipality’s Official Plan;
  • as part of an Environmental Assessment.

A Heritage Impact Assessment includes:

  • preparation of a historical review;
  • consultation with stakeholders;
  • identification of Cultural Heritage Landscapes and built heritage resources of heritage interest and/or value;
  • description of proposed project impacts;
  • development of a conservation or mitigation strategy;
  • ecommendations for next steps