
Noah Train

BLA (Candidate), Junior Landscape Designer

Noah Tran

Noah is currently in his 4th year at university, completing a Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture in addition to a certificate of environmental citizenship at the University of Guelph. After graduation, he hopes to pursue a career as a licensed landscape architect with the OALA.

Through university and previous employment experience, Noah has developed a practical knowledge of design, construction, and materials. Outside of the core courses, Noah places an educational focus on environmental science and the relationship between humans and nature. This helps him better understand environmental systems and produce more cohesive designs that enhance human interaction with nature.

Noah was initially drawn to the field of landscape architecture because it combines his passion for hands-on work and the environment. He enjoys landscape architecture because landscape architects have the unique ability to have a positive impact on both human and natural well-being. In particular, Noah primary interests are stormwater management and ecological restoration. Through his career in landscape architecture, he hopes to revitalize ecosystems and present visitors with opportunities to enjoy nature to its fullest extent.  

Outside of the office, Noah enjoys staying active and being outdoors. You can find him on the weekends enjoying the weather through rock climbing, golf and playing various other sports.