Appleby College Shoreline Restoration

Oakville, Ontario


SDG along with a multi-disciplinary team worked together to stabilize the Appleby College shoreline while maintaining its natural appearance as much as possible. The scope of work encompasses the entire length of the Appleby College shoreline, from the west property line to the east property line as well as the proposed enhancements to Lower McCraney Creek and groyne and breakwater structures.

The riparian plantings along McCraney Creek have been specifically designed to enhance aquatic habit conditions by enhancing riparian functions such as overhanging cover, shading, detritus influx, woody instream cover production and bank stabilization. Additionally, plantings are being proposed in the three metre wide no-mow zone to mitigate surface erosion and stabilize the banks.

The planting for the shoreline restoration will be comprised of: deciduous tree species, deciduous shrubs and live stakes. The native seed mixes will include perennials and grasses to further enhance biodiversity and attract pollinators.  A Halton Custom Meadow seed mixture will be used in the no-mow zone, and a bank seed mixture will be used along the restoration slopes. Only native plant species have been used in the restoration plans. Plant species and sizes have been selected to increase the structure and diversity of the shoreline vegetation communities. Generally, plantings are arranged in clusters to create nuclei that, through the process of succession, will expand, colonize and modify the landscape naturally. The riparian corridor and shoreline experienced significant erosion which created steep slopes that became unsafe to students, staff and users of Appleby College. SDG regraded these slopes to restore safer conditions.  


Location: Oakville, ON

Size: 3.3 ha; 450m of shoreline.

Client: Appleby College

Project Team:
SDG, Landscape Architects
Ecosystems Recovery Inc., Coastal Engineering, shoreline engineering and fluvial geomorphologist
North-South Environmental Inc., Terrestrial Biologist, tree management and ecology
Arcadis, Aquatic Biologist

Services Provided: Permit Drawings, Concept Design, Detailed Design and Contract Administration, Post Occupancy Review.
